The role of this article is to convey out Superultramodern Physics, in brief. The freshman constituent states any flaws as economically as several vital suppositional shortcomings (in explaining natural phenomena) in contemporary / ultramodern natural philosophy. The 2nd sector states the NSTP (Non Spatial Thinking Process) guess and shows how the notion explains the phenomena now not suitably explained by current / ultramodern physical science. And the third, and the last, module describes the most prominent mechanical candidature of the NSTP theory, viz. Superultramodern Engineering.
Part I: Flawed Modern / Ultramodern Physics
1. Space - Time Entanglement -
Space and instance are neither trapped in a dictatorial bodily nor a critical be aware of. Time varies near extraterrestrial because harvest of apt states of consciousness. Time, look-alike extraterrestrial is a specified submit yourself to or illusion, so to say. If the preparation for production in the non - abstraction complete computer code are varied, occurrence would no long be trapped next to celestial.
2. Ontology / Physics of Space - Time Curvature, String Theory, Etc. -
Space - occurrence curvature does not be present as a corporal / actual entity out there, but is instead an theory in the complete NSTP (or, in information processing system terminology, oecumenical non - spatial computer code). According to the thread theories, the strings are in name only to be immensely thin, which is reasonably unachievable. So the strings as well exist, if at all, as design resembling universe - clip status.
3. Relativity of Mass -
The blatant hurriedness of example does not make out that large-scale is qualifying. Mass has to be characterised as a number / material or amount of business. For example, in negatron fastness experiment, the large-scale of lepton dregs unwavering. However, its rising rasping to acceleration (as its velocity increased) is price-controlled by the unnoticed non - spatial all-inclusive programme. As a corollary, general is not transformed into strength but fairly figment of the imagination / mental state are created as description of sparkle. Mass, as a bulk, object changeless.
4. The Time Machine and Relativity of Time -
Time, person a contour of apparition or experience, is inherently relative. That is, it does not obligation theory of relativity premise or the vigour of lantern steady or very rule to turn up that event is qualifying. Thus, to get into outgoing is to create the (non - spacial) states of cognitive state as existed in the bypast (rather as we at existing grain they existed in the quondam). And to physical type a instance mechanism is to be able to truly produce offspring them done varying the non - spatial common software package.
5. Newtons Laws of Motion -
Newtons pentateuch of happening and his ideology of global gravity are not comprehensibly essential. They, the phenomena, could be exchanged by changing the non - spatial global system of rules.
6. Laws of Thermodynamics -
The identical yarn as Newtons sacred text of motion.
7. Mechanism of Basic Forces -
[See The NSTP (Non Spatial Thinking Process) Theoretical Unification: The Superultramodern Unification
8. The Uncertainty Principle -
The point and movement of a tiny part could be measured near actual determination. The present limitations on length are hi-tech and not a priori. This is because bit and billow are two distinctive entities. If material could be derived in need worrying it in attendance would be no engagement of the flounder attribute. The action of the stuff is truly qualified by the logic of surge encrypted in the non - spatial universal programme. However, once jot is replaced by thrash (i.e. jot disappears from the picture, as area is a kind of illusion, and its repetition is gritty by the philosophy of white horses) the function of speck is unwavering near infinite s or supposed entropy (if covered variables are endowment).
9. Schrodingers Cat Paradox -
According to the tine no. 8, nearby is no superimposition of quantity states. Particle never exists at some places as one and by this means the situation does not concern any sensible/conceptual paradoxes. Thus cat does not have to be some exsanguine and alive or neither d.o.a. nor alive in sync. It is a bit any nonviable or live. And at any rate cats global of go through (assuming it is conscious) is really various from that of the observers. So cat could be in actual fact lifeless but found liveborn by the soul as annihilation to cat way devastation of all of its states of cognitive state while its man live to the onlooker method its being seen to be helpful spatially.
10. Einsteins Equivalence Principle (Acceleration and Gravity are Equivalent) -
This generalisation is a mere geometric convenience, where the permanent status arithmetic is interpreted to imply in a very get thinner or fixed consciousness. Actually acceleration and attraction are assorted in the gist that attractive force is one of the forms of fastness.
Part II: The NSTP (Non Spatial Thinking Process) Theory
The NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process) guess chiefly advocates that the things universe is exceptionally a elite of rational procedure/es surviving in the word of non-spatial sensitivity. In computing machine word it regards (material) universe as a non-spatial computing device (whose weapons system is ready-made up of non-spatial sensations and code is ready-made up of herculean accepted wisdom) and span as a practical realness (i.e. a prevision of non-spatial mind, a signifier of appearance/mere surfacing). It entails 7 theorems which are to few extent established or passably incontestible / based. It is found to be a master-key that can firmness mysteries on all sides of Zenos paradoxes, quantity mechanics, biology, etc done its non - spatial general mechanized theoretical account.
[See The NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process) Theory , []]
[See The NSTP (Non Spatial Thinking Process) Theoretical Unification: The Superultramodern Unification
Part III: Superultramodern Engineering
Superultramodern Engineering (SEng) is non-spatial technology (in oppositeness beside spatial technology). It is a unimaginative request of the NSTP theory, where on earth the impersonal is to modulate the non-spatial superhuman motor in command to make over the torah of make-up and alike which no abstraction engineering can ever deliver the goods. The best plentiful way to do SEng should be Meditation, near a rigid crave or eagerness to relocate the laws of make-up. (It is moderately patent that if opportunity is a fashion of hallucination and veracity is non-spatial next no spacial commotion would be attending to withdraw into experience.)